Ghostfish come in shoals of 5 to 10 individuals and attack anything in the water with them. A ghostfish's main attack is simply to swim up and bite their opponent, latching on and thrashing with their body until they take out a chunk. More dangerous than this though is their venom: each fin has three 'claws' containing venom sacs. If one ofthese scratches or stabs an opponent then the toxin is pumped in. It is slow acting and at first the affected person might not even realise that they are poisoned. But over a few hours as damage is done they will begin to feel lethargic, reactions slow down, nausea sets in, finally consciousness will be lost followed by coma and then death unless an anti-venom is taken.
Average Statistics Size: 1-1.9 m long Weight: 50kg Diet: carnivore Alignment (if any): n/a Life expectancy: 30 years Solitary/Group (number): shoals of 5-10 adults