Background |
Like other dragons affected by the curse of the Demon Queen Shine, Ma’ihm’s past is a mystery to him. The spell cast upon the ambitious juvenile green dragon took away his memories and identity and he remembers little beyond being a part of Shine’s army, serving as a lieutenant with command over several demonic units. He served briefly under the dracosvulf general Blackjack’s command, but the two dracosvulfs did not get on very well (to put it lightly) and after one particularly unpleasant incident where Blackjack ‘accidentally’ had a squad of Dread Knights wipe out one of Ma’ihm’s units in the heat of battle, Maim, as he became known, was moved back under General Saragoth’s auspices in the south of Caevalonia to avoid any further mass losses of troop in the already chaotic demon armies.
When Shine was banished into a dimension from which there was no return and her armies began to crumble, Maim deserted and fled when his small force was attacked and decimated by a unit of Silvaris (wood elves). Fearing retribution from Saragoth Maim journeyed east, knowing no demon armies had been present in the hoary, accursed lands beyond the Misty Plains. He never completed this journey however, for he ran into a tribe of primitive Ranwulf barbarians called the ??Dranark?? Danrath. Ranwulfs, people of the plains, hold all winged creatures in great regard and worship winged gods. They had never encountered a dracosvulf before (since until Shine ‘resurrected’ the race they had been extinct before even the Age of Dust) and thought him a daemon sent by their low gods. Enjoying the veneration, Maim stayed with them greedily absorbing all the obeisance and worship and enjoying the gifts and having his pick of the clan daughters. As the years passed his status as a higher being was reaffirmed by his longevity. To start with, Maim kept his skills as a warrior honed as prisoners of the tribe were sacrificed to him in a fight to the death against him, but after a time his reputation spread and fear became his greatest weapon. His victims would be so terrified that they could not fight properly and every battle was a comfortable easy victory.
Legends that the Danrath clan was host to a daemon warrior spread to the other clans on the Misty Plains and over the years none dared challenge them and offerings of peace and treaty were made to the Danrath. So Maim enjoyed his false position up until, investigating the rumours of a Lower Daemon walking Tymaera, the Daemonslayers showed up. Blackjack and Maim fought a gladiatorial battle which culminated in the cursed black dragon tearing Maim’s wings off. Beaten, and proved not to be a god-sending, the Danrath cursed him and drove him out.
The cripple fled the Misty Plains, still with no concept of the fact he is in truth a cursed dragon. His current whereabouts are unknown. |